Thursday, February 21, 2019

花王SOFINA iP 土台美容液 review

I stumbled on a really cool product a few weeks ago at my local drug store. At first I thought it was some facial washing foam, however, after reading what it is, I discovered it was actually a foam serum!... Now, THAT is something I have never seen nor heard of.

I instantly became intrigued and despite its hefty ¥3000 price tag, I had to get it both to quench my curiosity and for you, my blog.

a quick scan of the instructions and info pamphlet told me that this is a carbon serum (which explains the foam).

The carbon bubbles are used to create better blood circulation helping your skin glow.

They say it is suitable for dry skin and it is one of their highest density products. The product is supposed to help moisturize, create elasticity and give your skin a creamy smooth finish.


  • foam for your face
  • soda for your face
  • love the subtle floral smell
  • foam disappears quickly
  • sensitive skin needs time adjusting to product
  • made skin feel soft but very dry

the foam turned flat before I could snap a picture

My skin would break out in one area each time I used this for the first three weeks I used this product, they were extremely painful and I was well aware it was this serum causing the problem. Once you get past this stage, your skin will be more accepting of it.

While it did make my skin very smooth, my skin was very dry and vulnerable. I would always immediately put some moisturizer and other products so my skin doesn't dehydrate.

I have mixed feelings over this product. I'm not sure whether I will purchase it again.

score: 7/10
gimmick score: 5/10
website: (English)

1 comment:

  1. Hahahahahahaha the foam turned flat ����������������������

