Tuesday, February 25, 2014

XiangXun NiuGan Fungus (Penny Bun) snack review

XiangXun NiuGan Fungus snack review
Boletus edulis or more commonly known as "Penny Bun" is one of the more strong tasting fungus' I know. They enhance soups (e.g. cream of Mushroom soup, to give it a more mushroomy taste), they enhance meaty dishes (to give it an extra touch). Chances are, if you had a really delicious Cream of Mushroom soup, you might have already had a taste of Penny Buns.

While shopping at a local Asian grocery store, I came across these, the "NiuGan Fungus" name caught my eye and I wanted to try... at first, I thought they were the dried ones used for cooking, but later I realized they were a snack! (cool!)


  • chewy
  • reminds me of beef jerky
  • spicy (reminds me of Sichuan kind of spicy, but definitely less "hot")
  • (in short, they are penny buns drenched in SiChuan spicy chili oil)
XiangXun NiuGan Fungus snack review
packet of XiangXun Niu Gan Fungus Snack (there are about 10 of these per package)
I have no idea how long these have been around, but they sure are good... I find that you really "snack" on them, they are too spicy (as in too many flavours) to be taken in "large amounts" (I make it sound like it is something illegal... oops). It reminds me of vegetarian beef jerky, its texture is very chewy (and a bit hard). 

If you are into savoury and strong tasting foods/snacks I highly suggest you to try it. It is a bit spicy hot too, so be careful if you are not a spicy eater.

rating: 8.5/10


  1. They look like beef jerky to me too! Fungus? I wonder what that tastes like? But I don't like eating spicy food either.

    1. haha the texture kind of resembles beef jerky too :P... but a bit more moistened.... have you tried any Sichuan foods before?

      hmm, fungus, just think of a stronger tasting mushroom (western mushrooms)... like cream of mushroom (but not the Campbell soup can kind... the kind you order at restaurants).

    2. I think I have eaten Sichuan food a few times before but I don't remember what they taste like, lol. I don't often eat Chinese food when I am out...I mostly eat Chinese food at home. XD

    3. SiChuan food is heavily spiced (both in flavour and in hotness)... hmm... guess I actually don't know a lot of about SiChuan food...
      haha, I usually go out to eat Chinese food that we can't cook at home :P...

