Friday, July 26, 2013

好きです 北海の味 Japanese Snack - sukidesu, snack review

好きです 北海の味 ; I picked a package of these at T&T, I cringed at the price $7.99/14 packets. I haven't had these for so long so I decided to buy it any way. They are surely expensive (they are authentically from Japan/Made in Japan though). 

These are by far the best munchies I have ever had!!!!! (And that is saying a lot, I have had a lot of history with other munchies... but this is... king!)

The website describes this as: 北海の幸をはじめとした豆菓子、せんべいなど9種類のおいしさ。
(literal translation please excuse any errors: Taste Hokkaido with these 9 flavourful fruits and crackers.)

I do not know how they manage to fit 9 different types of "munchies", each with their own distinct flavours (e.g. bbq) into a packet and each munchy is able to preserve it's flavour without affecting the others. It is truly amazing!

I won't go into the details of each flavour (maybe in an edited version later or do a translation of the image above) but basically they have different flavours (e.g. shrimp, seaweed, bbq, some have a peanut at its core, calamari, etc).

I highly HIGHLY recommend this munchies pack because it tastes so good (a word of caution, don't eat it as a "snack" to fill the stomach, it won't fill your stomach, but with it's quality and flavours you will definitely be able to satisfy your taste buds. 


  1. This snack sounds so delicious! 9 different types...I want to try it too!

    1. yeah try it! I think you will like it! Very "Japanese" :D I hope T&T continues to sell them though... not sure if everyone is willing to pay so much for snacks >.<

    2. Ah yes, the price is a bit expensive. But if it's really good then I'm sure people will be more willing to pay for it. =)

    3. hopefully people are willing to try something that is a bit on the expensive side :)

