Thursday, May 22, 2014

how to get rid of hiccups with pointing your finger!

photo source:
This is not a "review" post exactly, but a "healthy tips" post. Unless you consider this post as reviewing a method to getting rid of hiccups!

DO you get frustrated with Hiccups? My friend taught me this trick... seriously... it works... I don't know why, but who cares... at least I got my hiccups out of the way! :P (prior to this method I have tried: drinking water quickly, breathing in and out slowly, eating a piece of candy... nothing worked... )

1. Point your Index Finger (Your pointing finger) and bend forward, you do not have to touch the floor just be close enough to "almost" be touching it (1-2 inches away is good)
2. Spin around 3 times
3. Go back to standing position, a burst of air would come out of your trachea and you will burp

Hiccups gone!! *yeah!!!

Feel free to share this method with your friends and family members who are suffering from hiccips!


  1. That's an interesting and funny method, lol. I usually try to hold my breath for like a minute or so and then I release the air in my body and it goes away.

    1. haha it is... but I was so dizzy... apparently spinning around three times is more than enough to make you walk in circles (I think I was walking in circles XD)

      oh really... I should try your method next time :)... but the most I can hold my breath is probably only 12 secs DX

