Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Lotte Strawberry ice pop review

2 Lotte Strawberry ice pops
  • real and artificial taste,
  • smooth
  • milky
  • hard to remove wrapper

It is really interesting how they combined real fruit with artifical one. You can tell they are "real" because you case taste the seeds and pulp (is that what you call the red part of the strawberry?). But at the same time, the artificial taste is also present to "enhance" its flavour.

I like how these ice pops are in small snack size quantities, so you can enjoy this treat without feeling guilty.

I found it quite difficult to remove the wrapper though, the wrapper is made out of paper and sometimes it will stick to the popsicle making it very difficult and messy to remove.

rating: 7.5/10
no website


  1. I don't think I ever had ice pops before! Looks interesting!

    1. it is quite milky :) try it if you like milky strawberry stuff :)

